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Mumbai University/BE IT/User Interaction Design/Process of Designing, Prototyping and Construction/Multiple Choice Questions - Part 4

Hello Everyone!
This article is based on the common Multiple Choice Questions related to User Interface Design. The MCQs are based on the topic- Process of Designing, Prototyping and Construction.

From the University Exam point of view, these MCQs were given as question bank in the 2020 Mumbai University-BE-Information Technology Exam for the subject- User Interface Design. The MCQs set is prepared from taking different cluster data.

Q 1) It is important to provide thorough and timely guidance and assistance _________.

a. Because User gives money
b. To aid user learning and avoid frustration
c. Because user cannot understand english
d. Because user has never seen any GUI

Solution: b) To aid user learning and avoid frustration

Q 2) Review of User’s guidance and assistance does not includes _______.

a. Preventing errors and problem management
b. Instructions or prompting
c. Task-oriented Help
d. Decorating command buttons and labels

Solution: d) Decorating command buttons and labels

Q 3) Dealing with Time Delays includes ________.

a. Users are asked to wait for 10 min per click
b. Users are advised to keep mental health
c. Showing progress of processing in the percentage form
d. Users are advised to do other activity once they click the command button

Solution: c) Showing progress of processing in the percentage form

Q 4) Use of Sound in GUI includes ________.

a. Jingles or tunes
b. Loud signals
c. Use tones inconsistently
d. Always use in conjunction with a visual indication

Solution: d) Always use in conjunction with a visual indication

Q 5) Which statement is incorrect with respect to Problem Management in UID?

a. Disable inapplicable choices
b. No need to Handle errors as it is user’s lookout
c. Preserve as much of the user’s work as possible
d. Place cursor at first control with error

Solution: b) No need to Handle errors as it is user’s lookout

Q 6) Which of following stage is not included in Norman’s model of interaction?

a. Establishing the goal
b. Forming the intention
c. Specifying the action sequence
d. Asking User to help in implementation

Solution: d) Asking User to help in implementation

Q 7) Interaction framework represents the four major components in an interactive system. They are ______.

a. The System, the User, the Input and the Output
b. The system, the developer, the user, the government
c. The Input , the Output, the media, the environment
d. The user, the government, the media, the environment

Solution: a) The System, the User, the Input and the Output

Q 8) ________begins the interactive cycle with the formulation of a goal and a task to achieve that goal.

a. The system
b. The developer
c. The User
d. The Project manager

Solution: c) The User

Q 9) Which is not the correct reason of Pitfalls in the design process ?

a. A failure to address critical design issues
b. User’s interruption
c. An improper focus of attention
d. A flawed design process

Solution: b) User’s interruption

Q 10) Pitfalls in the design process can be eliminated if the following design commandments remain foremost in the designer’s mind?

a. Gain a complete understanding of users and their tasks
b. Ignore rapid prototyping and testing
c. Do not modify and iterate the design as much as necessary
d. Do not Integrate the design of all the system components

Solution: a) Gain a complete understanding of users and their tasks

Q 11) To create a truly usable system, the designer must not always do the following _________.

a. Understand how people interact with computers
b. Understand the human characteristics important in design
c. Identify the characteristics of the user’s needs, tasks, and jobs
d. Discard recommended methods for gaining understanding of users

Solution: d) Discard recommended methods for gaining understanding of users

Q 12) Which is not psychological response to poor design?

a. Annoyance
b. Understand
c. Boredom
d. Panic or stress

Solution: b) Understand

Q 13) Which of the following is not Physical reaction to Poor design?

a. Abandonment of the system
b. Partial use of the system
c. Indirect use of the system
d. No Misuse of the system

Solution: d) No Misuse of the system

Q 14) Which Human characteristic is not considered in User Interaction Design process?

a. Perception
b. Memory
c. Musical sense
d. Visual acuity

Solution: c) Musical sense

Q 15) Which of the following is not the way to reduce user’s memory load?

a. Presenting information in an organized, structured, familiar, and meaningful way
b. Placing all required information for task performance in close physical proximity
c. Giving the user control over the pace of information presentation
d. Use every possible colour, several font size of text and different sizes of command buttons in GUI

Solution: d) Use every possible colour, several font size of text and different sizes of command buttons in GUI

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Check out the other User Interaction Design MCQs posts


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