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50 + Interview Questions/Experiences of TCS DCA April 2021

Hello Everyone!
This post is dedicated to the Interview Questions asked in TCS DCA.

DCA which is Digital Capability Assessment is usually conducted for the internal employees of TCS who are selected for the Ninja profile. If DCA is cleared successfully, then the candidates are offered Digital profile. That means the profile changes from Assistant System Engineer to System Engineer.

This year i.e., in 2021, TCS conducted DCA for the candidates who have received offer letter but not joined TCS as an employee yet. The original DCA which is conducted for internal employees has a different pattern and is not discussed in this post. Rather this post is dedicated to the DCA conducted in March and April 2021 for 2021 recruits.

The DCA was conducted on 19th and 20th March 2021. The test had two coding questions. To sucessfully clear DCA, all the test cases of both the codes must be passed. In March DCA, a lot of students faced compiler issues. Hence a retest was announced only for those whose none of the code compiled. Those who could successfully pass all the test cases for both the codes, cleared the March DCA and were offered a digital profile.

The DCA retest was conducted on 17 April 2021. Initially the test was supposed to be same like March DCA. But in June 2021, it was announced an additional interview round would be conducted for those who cleared the April DCA coding test. Thus, April DCA also known as DCA retest had two rounds - Coding (two questions) and Online interview. Those who cleared both the rounds were offered a digital profile.

This post is based on the interview questions asked in DCA restest interview.

  • April DCA Coding results were declared on June 1 and 2. Those who cleared the coding test were informed about the interview but the scheduled date was not mentioned.
  • The interviews were conducted from 3rd June to 10th June and the result was announced on 21st June. The interview was on the same lines as the one previously conducted during the normal recruiting process.
  • The interview panel was either of two (TR and MR) or three (TR, MR and HR) members. There was only one interview conducted with all the panelist in the same meeting.
  • The average time of interview was 20 minutes. However, some interviews were of 10 minutes while some for 45 to 50 minutes.
  • The interviews started at 10 am and ended at 6 pm. There was no consistency in the time gap between the mail regarding the scheduled date and the interview date. Some people got the mail 2 to 4 days before the interview where as some received the mail a day before the interview.

Please Note - These questions were shared by the students who appeared for the DCA interview. A lot of students did not share their experience and hence it is advised not to rely only on these questions.

1) Branch - CS/IT

TR -
  • Program to find the highest prime number in the given range.
  • Reduce the time time complexity for the above program.
  • Exception handling
  • What is finally block and its main functionality?
  • Difference between throws and throw.
  • Keywords and their functionality.
  • Method and its different contents
MR -
  • Why we shorten the URL?
  • How to shorten the URL?
  • What is the algorithm used to shorten the URL?
  • Asked few questions related to Arogya setu app like -
    • Functionality of the app
    • Hardware components of mobile phone which aarogya setu uses
    • The algorithm used by the app
  • Questions related to the project.
  • Which protocol IoT uses IPv4 or IPv6 and Why?

2) Branch - IT
Duration 30 minutes
Preferred Language - Python

  • Brief introduction
  • Explain any project which you worked on. (Project was based on ML and IoT, so questions related to these topics were asked first).
  • Explain over fitting and under fitting.
  • Variance and standard deviation in ML.
  • How is sensor network different from IoT?
  • How is the code executed in python? (Python was preferred language)
  • Explain the working of different loops.
  • Lambda function in python
  • What were the challenges faced in project?
  • Why this project topic?
  • How was the work divided among the group members?

3) Preferred Language - C#

  • Brief introduction 
  • Favorite programming language 
  • Namespace in c# 
  • Write a program to get and display values of 2*2 matrix. 
  • What do you like about TCS? 
  • What is lambda function? Gives its example. 
  • What is an algorithm and gives its functions. 
  • What are the benefits of c#
  • What is the impact of 5g technology?

4) Preferred language - C

  • Fibonacci series logic / pseudo code 
  • Write code on nb of read and open file in c Pointers in C 
  • In My project we made app so the ask to show the app 
  • Pronic no logic Machine learning definition 
  • What will you do if you are not selected? 
  • What have you learned from past 6 months? 
  • Tell me about project 
  • Difference between c and java 
  • Do you know python? (I said only basic) 
  • Difference between group by and having clause in sql 
  • SQL query to find the highest and lowest marks from the table.

5) Duration 21 minutes
Preferred language - C++

TR -
  • Tell me about yourself 
  • Questions based on C++ Inheritance and types of inheritance 
  • Explain each one of them Polymorphism 
  • A code was shown (screen sharing) and was asked about its output. 
  • Code was related to pointers and references. 
  • Difference between delete and delete[] (C++ concept) 
  • What is std? 
  • Any other coding languages known? - I told her that I have experience in react and made projects in it. Told me to show and explain the projects. 
  • Questions related to API 
MR -
  • Which digital technologies do you know? - Explained in brief about AI and neural networks 
  • Any certifications? If yes, how many? 
  • Why should we select you in digital cadre? 

6) Duration 15 minutes

  • Tell me about yourself 
  •  Questions based on project 
  • How is a command executed and compiled?
  • Prilims algorithm 
  • How do store your project in database? 
  • What domain are you interested to work in? I answered ML and then was asked what if some other domain is allocated? 
  • Implications of stack 
  • Fibonacci series logic/pseudo code without recursion

7) Duration 15 minutes

  • No codes. No theory. 
  • Totally revolved around my projects. 
  • Told me to show Android app and asked questions in depth. 
  • Then my 2nd project. 
  • Asked everything related with the APIs. 
  • Asked many questions on Blockchain and ML AI.


TR -
  • Introduction 
  • Asked my role in my project 
  • Preferred programming language 
  • Code on Fibonacci series 
  • Any Digital technology certification? 
HR -
  • Digital technologies known? 
  • Asked Cloud services 
  • TCS CEO? 
  • TCS established in which year?

9) Branch - ECE

  • Interview was based on project and ECE. No questions from any coding language. 
  • Why jumped from ECE? 
  • What I have learnt in data science? 
  • Any project on it?


  • Introduction 
  • Projects done 
  • Unsupervised and supervised learning 
  • How to convert unsupervised data to supervised? 
  • Amazon ec2 meaning 
  • Django (Mentioned in introduction) 
  • Mvt and mvc difference 
  • Stateless components in react 
  • Python arrays vs numpy 
  • Convert trees to link list Trees and graph difference 
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 
  • Why you want to work in digital technology? 
  • What is AR and VR?


  • Introduction
  • Project based questions with proper explanation
  • Cloud computing 
  • Components of cloud
  • AI ML basics


  • Introduction
  • ML
  • Open CV (Was mentioned in Introduction)
  • Different functions of openCV
  • Regression and classification and its types and examples.
  • Supervised and unsupervised learning
  • Difference between function overloading and function overriding
  • Also asked questions by giving examples of some classes verbally based on function overriding and overloading
  • 6-7 aptitude and logical based questions


  • Introduction
  • Some questions about ML
  • Project based questions with proper explanation
  • Questions based on the topic-
    • DSA
    • AI
    • Blockchain
    • IoT
    • Cloud
  • Why do you want to join digital?
  • Any certifications?


  • (Most of the questions were based on Resume)
  • Project based questions
  • Projects on digital technologies
  • Pythagoras triangle code
  • Difference between RDBMS and DBMS
  • Which technology you want to work in?
  • Stack and Queue difference
  • Real time stack and queue examples
  • Scope of IoT in future
  • Rate yourself in data structures

15) Branch - EEE

TR -
  • Introduction
  • Projects
  • Program to find the age
  • Program to find sum of 10 numbers
  • Features of java
  • What is Class?
  • What is Encapsulation?
  • IDE for java?
  • New technologies used in daily life
  • How are they used in payment methods?
  • What will you do if you are ought to work on weekends?
  • What are the hurdles you faced in your life?
  • Participated in any hackathons?
  • Lines of code for the longest program that you have written 
  • Primitive data types in java
  • Why is java not pure object oriented language
  • Constructors

Check out the Second Part of TCS DCA Interview Questions.


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