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Mumbai University/BE/IT/User Interaction Design/Understanding and Conceptualizing Interaction, Cognitive aspects and Social, Emotional Interaction/Multiple Choice Questions - Part 2

Hello Everyone!
This article is based on the common Multiple Choice Questions related to User Interaction Design. The MCQs are based on the Second Module - (a) Understanding and Conceptualizing Interaction and (b) Cognitive aspects and Social, Emotional Interaction.

From the University Exam point of view, these MCQs were given as question bank in the 2020 Mumbai University - BE - Information Technology Exam for the subject - User Interaction Design. The MCQs set is prepared from taking different cluster data. These MCQs were also asked in the 2021 Final and Internal Examinations. These MCQs are also related to the subject Human Computer Interaction.

The topics included in this module are -

  • Understanding the Problem space and conceptualizing Design
  • Conceptual Model
  • Interface Types
  • Cognitive aspects
  • Social Interaction and Emerging Social Phenomena
  • Emotions and the User Experience
  • Expressive and Frustrating Interfaces
  • Persuasive Technologies

Q 1) Formal communication involves assigning certain roles to people and prescribing a the types of turns that people are allowed to take in a conversation. Example is _____.

a. People talk in office
b. People talk in corridors
c. People talk walking down the street
d. People talk when waiting in line

Solution: a) People talk in office

Q 2) People waiting for an elevator (lift) presses the button number of times. This is an example of ____.

a. Erroneous mental model
b. Stereotypical mental model
c. Incorrect mental models
d. Frustrated mental model

Solution: c) Incorrect mental models

Q 3) Greater awareness allows users to see how one another are _____.

a. Not succeeding
b. Working
c. Progressing
d. Not working

Solution: c) Progressing

Q 4) Problem that can arise from a conversational-based, conceptual model is that certain kinds of tasks are transformed into ______.

a. Interrupted conversation
b. Cumbersome and one- sided interactions
c. Duplicate conversation
d. Delayed conversation

Solution: b) Cumbersome and one- sided interactions

Q 5) A number of strategies have been developed for transforming knowledge into external representations ______.

a. To increase memory load.
b. To reduce memory load.
c. To partially reduce memory load.
d. To partially increase memory load.

Solution: b) To reduce memory load

Q 6) In Scrabble, where shuffling around letters in the tray helps a person work out the best word given the set of letters- is an example of ______.

a. Annotating
b. Cognitive tracing
c. External cognition approach
d. Externalizing

Solution: b) Cognitive tracing

Q 7) Memory involves recalling various kinds of knowledge that allow us to act appropriately. Without memory we, _______.

a. Can do the functions
b. Would not be able to functions
c. Can do approximately
d. Can do half of the functions

Solution: b) Would not be able to functions

Q 8) The more someone learns about a system and how it functions, ______.

a. The less their mental model develops.
b. The more their mental model develops.
c. Does not affect the mental model.
d. Slightly affect the mental model.

Solution: b) The more their mental model develops

Q 9) Not having appropriate mental models available to guide their behavior is what causes people to become very ____.

a. Happy
b. Frustrated
c. Sad
d. Speechless

Solution: b) Frustrated

Q 10) Which design process is complimentary to lifecycle model from other fields?

a. Inception
b. Interaction
c. Analysis
d. Attention

Solution: b) Interaction

Q 11) A better way of designing an interface for a large number of choices of variable cost is to continue to use __________.

a. Direct mapping
b. Indirect mapping
c. Sequential mapping
d. Non-sequential mapping

Solution: a) Direct mapping

Q 12) A 3D video game is based on what conceptual models _____.

a. Manipulating / virtual conceptual model
b. A hybrid form of conceptual model
c. Exploring and browsing conceptual model
d. Manipulating and navigation conceptual model

Solution: a) Manipulating / virtual conceptual model

Q 13) Which of the following are fundamental properties in Manipulating and Navigating of conceptual model?

a. Continuous representation of the objects and actions of interest.
b. Slow reversible incremental actions with immediate feedback about the object of interest.
c. Sequential representation of the objects and actions of interest.
d. Slow reversible incremental actions with no feedback about the object of interest.

Solution: a) Continuous representation of the objects and actions of interest.

Q 14) A growing problem for computer users is _____.

a. Time management
b. Risk management
c. Quality management
d. File management

Solution: d) File management

Q 15) Reading can be ______ than speaking or listening, as written text can be rapidly scanned in ways not possible when listening to serially presented spoken words.

a. Slower
b. Quicker
c. Faster
d. In parts

Solution: b) Quicker

Q 16) Written language tends to be grammatical while spoken language is often _______.

a. Sometimes grammatical
b. Always grammatical
c. Sometimes ungrammatical
d. Ungrammatical

Solution: d) Ungrammatical

Q 17) Which is commonly designed agent used as 3D characters in video games?

a. Embodied conversational interface agents.
b. Animated agents
c. Emotional agents
d. Synthetic characters

Solution: d) Synthetic characters

Q 18) Affective aspects of interaction design are concerned with the way interactive systems make people respond in ______.

a. Synthetic ways
b. Emotional ways
c. Animated ways
d. Virtual ways

Solution: b) Emotional ways

Q 19) When we use a tool or device in conjunction with an external representation to help us carry out a computation?

a. Annotating
b. Externalizing
c. Computational offloading
d. Cognitive tracing

Solution: c) Computational offloading

Q 20) Specific usability and user experience goals, focus on users and Iteration; these characteristics belongs to ________.

a. Interception design
b. Interaction design
c. Inception design
d. Alteration design

Solution: b) Interaction design

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