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Mumbai University/BE/IT/User Interaction Design/Understanding and Conceptualizing Interaction, Cognitive aspects and Social, Emotional Interaction/Multiple Choice Questions - Part 1

Hello Everyone!
This article is based on the common Multiple Choice Questions related to User Interaction Design. The MCQs are based on the Second Module - (a) Understanding and Conceptualizing Interaction and (b) Cognitive aspects and Social, Emotional Interaction.

From the University Exam point of view, these MCQs were given as question bank in the 2020 Mumbai University - BE - Information Technology Exam for the subject - User Interaction Design. The MCQs set is prepared from taking different cluster data. These MCQs were also asked in the 2021 Final and Internal Examinations. These MCQs are also related to the subject Human Computer Interaction.

The topics included in this module are -

  • Understanding the Problem space and conceptualizing Design
  • Conceptual Model
  • Interface Types
  • Cognitive aspects
  • Social Interaction and Emerging Social Phenomena
  • Emotions and the User Experience
  • Expressive and Frustrating Interfaces
  • Persuasive Technologies

Q 1) Which of them are the activities that users are likely to be engaged in when interacting with the systems?

a. Constructing
b. Exploring
c. Duplicating
d. Renaming

Solution: b) Exploring

Q 2) The conceptual model is conveyed much more explicitly through having the system act and talk via a _____.

a. Visible agent
b. Interface agent
c. Permissive agent
d. Non-visible agent

Solution: a) Visible agent

Q 3) Many interactive systems are based on a hybrid conceptual model. Such models can provide more flexibility, but this can make them ______.

a. Easier to learn
b. Harder to learn
c. Confusing
d. Expressive

Solution: b) Harder to learn

Q 4) Which approach has the disadvantages of misunderstanding that can rise when the search engine is unable to answer the question ______.

a. Instructing
b. Manipulating
c. Conversing
d. Exploring and browsing

Solution: c) Conversing

Q 5) Which communication involves assigning certain roles to people and prescribing a the types of turns that people are allowed to take in a conversation?

a. Formal
b. Informal
c. Chat
d. Debate

Solution: a) Formal

Q 6) Which of them are the main categories of social mechanism and explore how technology systems have designed to facilitate?

a. Sequential mechanism
b. Same physical location.
c. Working mechanism
d. Awareness mechanism

Solution: d) Awareness mechanism

Q 7) Speed and efficiency allows multiple people to be working an same document at ______.

a. Different times
b. Same time
c. Sequentially
d. Anytime

Solution: b) Same time

Q 8) A fundamental aspect of interaction design is to develop a ______.

a. Cognitive model
b. Conceptual model
c. Prototype model
d. Expressive model

Solution: b) Conceptual model

Q 9) An increasingly popular form of anthropomorphism is to create agents and other characters as part of an interface. People are more accepting of ______.

a. Animated interface agents.
b. Believable interface agents.
c. Virtual interface agents.
d. Synthetic interface agents.

Solution: b) Believable interface agents

Q 10) Risk analysis, prototyping, iterative framework. These are the features of which type of model?

a. Spiral model
b. Waterfall model
c. RAD model
d. Star model

Solution: a) Spiral model

Q 11) Written language is permanent while listening is _______.

a. Variation
b. Changeable
c. Transient
d. Fixed

Solution: c) Transient

Q 12) Decisions about conceptual design also should be made ______.

a. Before commencing any physical design
b. After commencing any physical design
c. In between any physical design
d. With certain delay

Solution: a) Before commencing any physical design

Q 13) Attention is the process of selecting things to concentrate on, at a point in time, from the range of possibilities available. Attention involves _____.

a. Tactile sensors
b. Auditory visual senses
c. Infrared sensors
d. Imaging sensors

Solution: b) Auditory visual senses

Q 14) The various collaborative technologies have been designed to support different kinds of communication, from informal to formal and from one-to-one to many-to-many conversations. Collectively, such technologies are often referred to as _____.

a. Virtual classroom (VC)
b. Computer mediated communication (CMC)
c. Asynchronous communication ( AC)
d. Collaborative virtual environments (CVC)

Solution: b) Computer mediated communication (CMC)

Q 15) This occurs when a person uses a tool or device in conjunction with an external representation to help us carry out a computation, called as _______.

a. Computational offloading
b. Internal offloading
c. External cognition
d. Cognitive tracing

Solution: a) Computational offloading

Q 16) Where conversations in real time are supported by letting people talk with each other either using their voices or through typing?

a. Asynchronous communication
b. Synchronous communication
c. Computer mediated communication (CMC)
d. Collaborative virtual environments (CVEs)

Solution: b) Synchronous communication

Q 17) Why do people use erroneous mental models? This assumes the underlying principle of ______.

a. "more is not good"
b. "more is more"
c. "less is better”
d. Greedy attitude

Solution: b) "more is more"

Q 18) Computational offloading occurs when we use a tool or device in conjunction with an ______.

a. Internal representation
b. External representation
c. Combinational
d. Virtual

Solution: b) External representation

Q 19) These models - waterfall model, spiral model and RAD model; belong to which type of engineering?

a. Hardware engineering
b. Software engineering
c. Software analysis
d. Software testing

Solution: b) Software engineering

Q 20) Natural-language systems that enable users to type in questions and give _______.

a. Speech based responses
b. Text based responses
c. Voice based responses
d. Command based responses

Solution: b) Text based responses

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