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MIS MCQs on Information System, Data-Information-Knowledge and Knowledge Management System

Hello Everyone!

This is another article based on MCQs, related to Management Information System. These are the general MCQs which are commonly asked in exams and include topics like the basic introduction to Information System and its types, Data-Information-Knowledge and Knowledge Management System.

Learn more about the "Information system and its types".
Also check out the First Part  and Second Part of Social Computing MCQs.

Q 1) Term hardware refers to _______.

a. Computer manuals
b. Machinery
c. Computer programs
d. Both computer programs and manuals

Solution: b) Machinery

Q 2) Term software refers to _______.

a. Computer manuals
b. Computer programs
c. Both computer programs and manuals
d. Machinery

Solution: b) Computer programs

Q 3) The architecture of the MIS plan provides ______.

a. An online information on the stocks markets and the accounts balance
b. A way to handle the system or subsystem way of simplification, coupling and decoupling of subsystems
c. For preparing the schedule of the system in the overall information requirement
d. None of these

Solution: b) A way to handle the system or subsystem way of simplification, coupling and decoupling of subsystems

Q 4) The back bone of any organization is _______.

a. Capital
b. Management
c. Information
d. Employee

Solution: c) Information

Q 5) The basic component(s) of DSS is/are _______.

a. Database
b. Model base
c. DSS software system
d. All of these

Solution: d) All of these

Q 6) The components of DSS are ______.

a. Dialog management sub system
b. Data management sub system
c. Model management sub system
d. All of these

Solution: d) All of these

Q 7) The decision-making environment of an executive level manager can be characterized as _______.

a. Structured
b. Unstructured
c. Semi-structured
d. None of these

Solution: b) Unstructured

Q 8) The flow of information through MIS is _______.

a. Organization dependent
b. Information dependent
c. Need dependent
d. Management dependent

Solution: c) Need dependent

Q 9) The most important attribute of information quality that a manager requires is ______.

a. Relevance
b. Presentation
c. Media
d. Timeliness

Solution: a) Relevance

Q 10) The person who ensures that systems are developed on time within budget and with acceptable quality is a/an _____.

a. External system user
b. Project management
c. Systems owner
d. Systems designer

Solution: b) Project management

Q 11) The power of suppliers will be high when _______.

a. There are high barriers to entry
b. Many producers share industry supply
c. Just a few producers dominate industry supply
d. Customers have many substitutes

Solution: c) Just a few producers dominate industry supply

Q 12) What must a system do to qualify as a true ERP solution?

a. Be modular and closed
b. Be flexible
c. Extend within the company
d. All of the above

Solution: b) Be flexible

Q 13) Which is the important characteristic of information system?

a. Pre-determined objective
b. Interrelated sub systems
c. Interdependent objective
d. All of the above

Solution: d) All of the above

Q 14) Which of the following individual typically have less formal advanced educational degrees and tend to process rather than create information?

a. Data workers
b. Knowledge workers
c. Executives
d. System analysis

Solution: a) Data workers

Q 15) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an ERP system?

a. Are easy to implement
b. Integrate many applications into one system
c. Can span an entire company
d. Are large in scope

Solution: a) Are easy to implement

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