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MIS MCQs on Information System, Data-Information-Knowledge and Knowledge Management System

Hello Everyone!

This is another article based on MCQs, related to Management Information System. These are the general MCQs which are commonly asked in exams and include topics like the basic introduction to Information System and its types, Data-Information-Knowledge and Knowledge Management System.

Learn more about the "Information system and its types".
Also check out the First Part  and Second Part of Social Computing MCQs.

Q 1) Expertise and experience of organizational members that has not been formally documented is known as ______.

a. Organizational learning
b. Organizational memory
c. Tacit knowledge
d. Knowledge sharing

Solution: c) Tacit knowledge

Q 2) To be successful in implementing DSS, organizations should have the following characteristics except _____.

a. Powerful central computer groups to initiate and manage system projects
b. Education and training by the organization
c. A well-controlled data-processing system
d. Willingness to commit dollars and personnel to the project

Solution: d) Willingness to commit dollars and personnel to the project

Q 3) Top level managers are responsible for _____ plans and decisions.

a. Simulation
b. Strategic
c. Tactical
d. Structured

Solution: b) Strategic

Q 4) Deciding how to carry out specific tasks by strategic and middle management and establishing criteria for completion and resource allocation best describes as ______.

a. Operational control
b. Strategic decision making
c. Management control
d. Knowledge level decision making

Solution: c) Management control

Q 5) In the following statement which one is true to information systems?

a. Procedures into statement
b. Information into data
c. Data into information
d. Statement into procedures

Solution: c) Data into information

Q 6) Internal information for MIS may come from which one of the following department?

a. Customers care department
b. Production department
c. Marketing department
d. HR department

Solution: a) Customers care department

Q 7) Management Information system usually ________.

a. Perform and record the daily routine transactions necessary to the conduct of business.
b. Provide managers with a generalized computing and telecommunication capacity that can be applied to a changing array of problems
c. Serve managers interested in weekly, monthly and yearly results not day to day activities
d. Help managers make decisions that are unique, rapidly changing and not easily specified in advance

Solution: c) Serve managers interested in weekly, monthly and yearly results not day to day activities

Q 8) Expertise and experience of organizational members that has not been formally documented is known as _________.

a. Tacit knowledge
b. Knowledge sharing
c. Organization memory
d. Organization learning

Solution: a) Tacit knowledge

Q 9) Artificial intelligence system is _____.

a. Substitute for experts
b. Do not exhibit the same level of intelligence as human beings
c. Can solve all problems intelligently
d. Can come up with new and novel solutions to problem

Solution: b) Do not exhibit the same level of intelligence as human beings

Q 10) Critical information for top management is provided by ______ information system.

a. Decision
b. Executive
c. Expert
d. Managerial

Solution: b) Executive

Q 11) Which of the following is not a primary reason for the popularity of decision support systems?

a. Declining cost of computer hardware
b. Increased number of programmers
c. Advent of database management systems
d. Management trained in analytic techniques

Solution: b) Increased number of programmers

Q 12) Which of the following is NOT one of the qualitative characteristics that information must have?

a. Timeliness
b. Relevance
c. Retrievability 
d. All of the above

Solution: d) All of the above

Q 13) The backbone of any organization is ______.

a. Management
b. Information
c. Capital
d. Employee

Solution: b) Information

Q 14) The components of an expert system include a ______ that perform interfaces on the knowledge base and communicate answers to a user's questions.

a. Knowledge base and software module
b. Communication base and software module
c. Database and software module
d. Knowledge base and interactive module

Solution: a) Knowledge base and software module

Q 15) The information of MIS comes from the _________.

a. Internal sources
b. External sources
c. None of these
d. Both of them

Solution: d) Both of them

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