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IoE (Internet of Everything) - RFID Question Bank and Solution (MCQs) for Mumbai University Examination Information Technology Semester 8 - Part 3

Hello Everyone!
This article is based on the Multiple Choice Questions related to IoE topic RFID.

These MCQs were given as question bank in Mumbai University-BE-Information Technology-Semester 8 Exam for the subject- Internet of Everything. These MCQs are related to topic Radio Frequency Identification.

Q 1) RFID technologies have revolutionized the asset tracking industry, with applications ranging from automated checkout to monitoring the medication intakes of elderlies.

a. True
b. False

Solution: a) True

Q 2) The formation of combining a reader and a decoder with an interface is called ______.

a. Decoder
b. Transponder
c. Reader
d. Interrogator

Solution: b) Transponder

Q 3) Which of these technologies is the cheapest automatic identification technology today?

b. Bar code
c. Fingerprint recognition
d. Facial recognition

Solution: b) Bar code

Q 4) Which type of RFID technology has the slowest data transfer rate?

a. LF
b. UHF
c. ULF
d. Microwave

Solution: a) LF (low frequency)

Q 5) The _________ layer maintains the device drivers of all the devices supported by the system, and manages all the hardware related parameters like reader protocol, air interface, and host-side communication.

a. Reader interface
b. Application interface
c. Data processor and storage
d. Middleware management

Solution: a) Reader Interface

Q 6) Interrogator in RFID is also known as _______.

a. Semi active tag
b. Transponder
c. Reader
d. Active tag

Solution: c) Reader

Q 7) Near field Communication technology on mobile phones can be used for ______.

a. Entering movie theaters using QR codes
b. Online railway ticket booking
c. Internet access in Airplanes
d. Entering metro rail stations

Solution: d) Entering metro rail stations

Q 8) RFID tags commonly use a method of communication called as _____.

a. Forward scatter
b. Back scatter
c. Back communication
d. Scattering

Solution: b) Back scatter

Q 9) Due to which property, RFID technology is suitable to replace its predecessor, the barcode in Logistics and supply chain?

a. The non-line of sight
b. Miniaturization
c. Contact less cards
d. Nanotechnology

Solution: a) The non-line of sight

Q 10) Distance between reader and tag depends upon _____.

a. Type of tag
b. The frequency of operation.
c. None of these
d. Both of these

Solution: a) Type of tag

Q 11) At present, how many generations of RFID tags are present in the market?

a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four

Solution: c) Three

Q 12) ____________ are simplest version of RFID tags which do not contain their own power source, such as a battery, and cannot initiate communication with the reader.

a. Active tags
b. Passive tags
c. Extra active tags
d. Super active tags

Solution: a) Active tags

Q 13) Which RFID Tag suitable for Production, monitoring and maintenance applications in Archive systems, asset management, facility management, airplanes, food and consumable goods?

a. Semi-passive
b. Passive
c. Semi-Active
d. Active

Solution: b) Passive

Q 14) Which of the following is not RFID type?

a. Low frequency
b. Ultra high frequency
c. High frequency
d. Ultra low frequency

Solution: d) Ultra low frequency

Q 15) RFID systems functions via ________ even without ___________.

a. Radio waves, indirect line-of-sight
b. FM waves, indirect line-of-sight
c. FM waves, direct line-of-sight
d. Radio waves, direct line-of-sight

Solution: d) Radio waves, direct line-of-sight

Q 16) Can RFID tags be used to tag metallic objects?

a. Yes, all kinds of RFID tags can be used for this.
b. No, RFID tags cannot be used at all
c. Yes, special kinds of tags called as metal mount tags can be used.
d. Cannot say for sure

Solution: c) Yes, special kinds of tags called as metal mount tags can be used.


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