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Mumbai University/BE IT/User Interaction Design/Data Gathering, Analysis and Presentation/Multiple Choice Questions - Part 3

Hello Everyone!
This article is based on the common Multiple Choice Questions related to User Interaction Design. The MCQs are based on the topic- "Data Gathering, Establishing Requirements, Analysis, Interpretation and Presentation".

From the University Exam point of view, these MCQs were given as question bank in the 2020 Mumbai University-BE-Information Technology Exam for the subject- User Interaction Design. The MCQs set is prepared from taking different cluster data. The MCQs are based on the Module 3 of the syllabus and includes topics -

  • Establishing requirements
  • Five key issues
  • Techniques for Data Gathering
  • Data Analysis, Interpretation and Presentation
  • Task description and Task Analysis

Q 1) How does scenario not describe the use of software or other technological support to achieve a task?

a. Suggestively
b. Explicitly
c. Implicitly
d. Graphically

Solution: b) Explicitly

Q 2) Which recording provide the most accurate record of the session?

a. Only video
b. Magnetic tape
c. Only audio
d. Video and audio

Solution: d) Video and audio

Q 3)What also focuses on user goals?

a. Activity diagrams
b. DFDs
c. Use cases
d. Flowcharts

Solution: c) Use cases

Q 4) Who designed Hierarchical Task Analysis?

a. Colin Robson
b. Goetz and LeCompte
c. Annett and Duncan
d. Kahn and Cannell

Solution: c) Annett and Duncan

Q 5) Which interviews pose predetermined questions?

a. Semi-structured
b. Structured
c. Unstructured
d. Hierarchical

Solution: b) Structured

Q 6) Which analysis techniques help to investigate existing systems and current practices?

a. Task
b. Load
c. Strain
d. Test

Solution: a) Task

Q 7) What is the work or behavior that a device is to support provides data from which we can evolve requirements?

a. Confining
b. Dividing
c. Contextualizing
d. Abstracting

Solution: c) Contextualizing

Q 8) What refer to the circumstances in which the interactive product will be expected to operate?

a. Element Requirements
b. Terrain Requirements
c. Environmental Requirements
d. Matrix Requirements

Solution: c) Environmental Requirements

Q 9) What is an example of a system with a simple task flow and relatively low information content that is targeted for the layman?

a. Phone
b. ATM
c. Laptop
d. Tablet

Solution: b) ATM

Q 10) ___________ describes human activities or tasks in a story that allows exploration and discussion of contexts, needs, and requirements.

a. Certainty
b. Scenario
c. Improvision
d. Decline

Solution: b) Scenario

Q 11) Name the ways of finding out what is happening quickly and with little formality.

a. Slow and clean
b. Quick
c. Clean
d. Quick and dirty

Solution: d) Quick and dirty

Q 12) In which form are plans shown?

a. Graphical
b. Point
c. Line
d. Tree

Solution: a) Graphical

Q 13) What often occur simultaneously in ethnography?

a. Data integrity and analysis
b. Data understanding and analysis
c. Data operability and analysis
d. Data collection and analysis

Solution: d) Data collection and analysis

Q 14) Observing is useful at any time during product _________.

a. Deployment
b. Monitoring
c. Integration
d. Development

Solution: d) Development

Q 15) The studies which typically take weeks, months, or even longer to gain an inside understanding of what is going on in a community is known as ______.

a. Ethnocentrists
b. Ethnographic
c. Ethnogenisis
d. Ethnic minorities

Solution: b) Ethnographic

Q 16) Ethnographers reconstruct knowledge to produce detailed descriptions known as ______.

a. Tidy or thick
b. Rich or thick descriptions
c. Poor or thin
d. Untidy or thin

Solution: b) Rich or thick descriptions

Q 17) Which interviews generate rich data?

a. Semi-structured
b. Structured
c. Unstructured
d. Hierarchical

Solution: c) Unstructured

Q 18) Determining goals, exploring questions, and choosing techniques are necessary steps in the _____.

a. Hybrid testing framework
b. Decide framework
c. Linear automation framework
d. Data framework

Solution: b) Decide framework

Q 19) Which data is used to see and analyze what users do and how long they spend on different aspects of the task?

a. Structured data
b. Filtered data
c. Observational data
d. Unstructured data

Solution: c) Observational data

Q 20) _______ can be thought of as a conversation with a purpose.

a. Group discussion
b. Debate
c. Questionnaire
d. Interview

Solution: d) Interview

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