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Mumbai University/BE IT/User Interaction Design/Evaluation Techniques and Framework/Multiple Choice Questions - Part 3

Hello Everyone!
This article is based on the common Multiple Choice Questions related to User Interface Design. The MCQs are based on the topic- Evaluation techniques and framework.

From the University Exam point of view, these MCQs were given as question bank in the 2020 Mumbai University-BE-Information Technology Exam for the subject- User Interface Design. The MCQs set is prepared from taking different cluster data.

Q 1) To do cognitive walkthrough, following is not needed _________.

a. A specification or prototype of the system
b. An indication of who the users are and what kind of experience and knowledge the evaluators can assume about them
c. A complete, written list of the actions
d. A description of experience of developers

Solution: d) A description of experience of developers

Q 2) The evaluators try to answer the following question for each step in the action sequence, ________

a. Is the effect of the action the same as the user’s goal at that point?
b. Will users see that the action is unavailable?
c. Once users have found the correct action, will they know it is not the one they need?
d. After the action is taken, won’t users understand the feedback they get?

Solution: a) Is the effect of the action the same as the user’s goal at that point?

Q 3) Who have developed Heuristic evaluation?

a. Norman Taylor and Nick Jordan
b. Smith Jonas and Kevin Mosier
c. Jakob Nielsen and Rolf Molich
d. Peter broad and Mark Taylor

Solution: c) Jakob Nielsen and Rolf Molich

Q 4) The general idea behind heuristic evaluation is that _______.

a. several evaluators depending on each other perform the evaluations
b. Several evaluators independently critique a system to come up with potential usability problems
c. At least 10 evaluators are needed compulsorily
d. Several evaluators work in team and discuss each other so dependency among their work has to be there

Solution: b) Several evaluators independently critique a system to come up with potential usability problems

Q 5) Which is not among Nielsen’s ten heuristics?

a. Mismatch between system and the real world
b. Visibility of system status
c. User control and freedom
d. Recognition rather than recall

Solution: a) Mismatch between system and the real world

Q 6) Which is incorrect regarding error handling in Nielsen’s ten heuristics?

a. Error messages should be expressed in plain language
b. Error messages should be precisely indicate the problem
c. Error messages should constructively suggest a solution
d. Error messages should be expressed in coding

Solution: d) Error messages should be expressed in coding

Q 7) In Nielson’s heuristics, Flexibility and efficiency of use _____.

a. Allow users to tailor frequent actions
b. May often slow the interaction for the expert user
c. Restricts user to some part
d. Creates obstacle in interface

Solution: a) Allow users to tailor frequent actions

Q 8) In Nielson’s heuristics, which is not correct about “Recognition rather than recall”?

a. Make objects and actions visible.
b. The user have to remember information from one part of the dialog to another.
c. Visible Instructions for use of the system should be visible or easily retrievable whenever appropriate.
d. Make options visible.

Solution: b) The user have to remember information from one part of the dialog to another.

Q 9) In Nielson’s heuristics, which is not correct about “Match between system and the real world”?

a. The system should speak the user’s language, with words, phrases and concepts familiar to the user, rather than system-oriented terms.
b. System should follow real-world conventions.
c. System should make information appear in natural and logical order.
d. System should often slow the interaction for the expert user.

Solution: d) System should often slow the interaction for the expert user.

Q 10) In Nielson’s heuristics, which is not correct about “ Visibility of system status”?

a. Always keep users informed about what is going on.
b. Users are informed through appropriate feedback.
c. It is not necessary to inform users within reasonable time.
d. If a system operation will take some time, give an indication of how long and how much is complete.

Solution: c) It is not necessary to inform users within reasonable time.

Q 11) In Nielson’s heuristics, which is not correct about “User control and freedom”?

a. Users often choose system functions by mistake and need a clearly marked ‘emergency exit’.
b. In order to leave the unwanted state, users have to go through an extended dialog.
c. Support redo.
d. Support undo.

Solution: b) In order to leave the unwanted state, users have to go through an extended dialog.

Q 12) In Nielson’s heuristics, which is not correct about “Consistency and standards”?

a. Users should have to wonder whether words, situations or action mean the same thing in different contexts.
b. Follow platform conventions.
c. Follow accepted standards.
d. Users should not have to wonder whether words, situations or action mean the same thing in different contexts.

Solution: a) Users should have to wonder whether words, situations or action mean the same thing in different contexts.

Q 13) In Nielson’s heuristics, which is not correct about "Error prevention"?

a. Make it easy to make errors.
b. Even better than good error messages is a careful design.
c. Make it difficult to make errors.
d. Careful design prevents a problem from occurring in the first place.

Solution: a) Make it easy to make errors.

Q 14) In Nielson’s heuristics, which is not correct about “Aesthetic and minimalist design”?

a. Every extra unit of information in a dialog competes with the relevant units of information and diminishes their relative visibility.
b. Dialogs should not contain information that is irrelevant.
c. Dialogs should not contain information that is rarely needed.
d. Every extra unit of information in a dialog doesn’t compete with the relevant units of information and flare up their relative visibility.

Solution: d) Every extra unit of information in a dialog doesn’t compete with the relevant units of information and flare up their relative visibility.

Q 15) In Nielson’s heuristics, which is not correct about “Help users recognize, diagnose and recover from errors”?

a. Error messages should be expressed in plain language.
b. Error messages should precisely indicate the problem.
c. Error messages should be expressed in coding.
d. Error messages should constructively suggest a solution.

Solution: c) Error messages should be expressed in coding.

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Check out the other User Interaction Design MCQs posts


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