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Technical Interview is conducted for those candidates who have qualified general aptitude test. The technical skills of the candidate are evaluated in this phase. The questions may vary depending upon the interviewer. Following are the list of common questions asked in the Technical interview of LTI.

Programming language Questions
  1. Pointers.

  2. Data structures.

  3. Call by Value and Call by Reference.

  4. What is entry and exit loop?

  5. What is looping? Give examples.

  6. What are different conditional statement.

  7. What is iterator?

  8. Memory Allocation in C/Python.

  9. Memory Allocation of Primitive Data Types.

  10. What is malloc and calloc?

  11. Why is Java platform independent?

  12. Different data types in C/Java/Python.

  13. Difference between float and double.

  14. Default value of different data types in C/Java/Python.

  15. Size of different data types in C/Java/Python.

  16. What is case sensitive language? Give examples.

  17. What is indent sensitive language? Give examples.

  18. What are global and local variables?

  19. What are sorting algorithms? Comparison between them.

  20. What is divide and conquer?

  21. Founder and year in which C/Java/Python was invented.

  22. What are operators?

  23. Map in Java.

  24. Collection in Java.

  25. Implement array using collection.

OOPS (Object Oriented Programming) Questions

  1. What is class?

  2. What is interface?

  3. What are access modifiers in java?

  4. What is Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism and Abstraction?

  5. Difference between class and interface.

  6. Different types of inheritance.

  7. Explain hierarchical inheritance.

  8. Multiple inheritance and multilevel inheritance.

Database Questions

  1. What is DBMS?

  2. Advantages of DBMS

  3. Explain RBMS.

  4. Difference between RDMS and DBMS.

  5. Difference between delete/drop/truncate.

  6. What is normalization and its types.

  7. What is schema?

  8. What is view?

  9. How will you remove duplicate rows from table?

  10. Different key in SQL.

  11. Basic SQL commands.

  12. Basic SQL queries.

  13. Different types of joins.

  14. What is stored procedure?

  15. What is cursor?

  16. What is cluster(SQL)?

Operating System Questions

  1. What is shell?

  2. What is kernel?

  3. Difference between internal and external kernel.

  4. What is OS?

  5. Different types of OS?

  6. Functionalities of OS.

  7. Run time OS?

  8. Real time OS?

  9. Difference between Process vs Program vs Thread.

  10. What is thread? 

  11. What is multithreading?

  12. Advantages of multithreading.

  13. What is process? 

  14. What is multiprocessing? 

  15. Difference between Multithreading vs Multiprocessing vs Multitasking.

  16. Deadlock + Prevention+ Necessary conditions.

  17. Semaphores.


  1. What is Unix?

  2. Advantages of Unix.

  3. Unix commands.

  4. What is Linux?

  5. Difference between Unix and Linux.

  6. How is Linux secured?

Python Questions

  1. Decoder in Python

  2. What is .py  .pyc file extensions?

  3. Difference between list and tuple.

  4. Difference between array and list in python?

  5. What is PEP?

  6. Range and xrange.

  7. Iterators in python.

  8. Lambda function.

  9. List comprehension.

  10. What is session in flask?

Cloud Computing Questions

  1. What is cloud?

  2. Example of clouds.

  3. Advantages of cloud.

  4. What is cloud computing?

  5. What are the different types of cloud?

  6. Layers in cloud computing?

  7. Did you use any cloud services?

Computer Network Questions

  1. What is a network?

  2. Networking layers.

  3. TCP/IP.

  4. OSI model.

  5. What is a protocol?

  6. Different types of protocols.

  7. Difference between UDP and TCP?

  8. IPV4 and IPV6.

  9. What is http?

  10. Mac address and IP address.

  11. What is DNS?

  12. What is DHCP?

  13. Difference between Logical and physical address. 

  14. Difference between transmission and communication.

  15. Difference between switch/hub/router/gateway.

  16. What is routing and routing protocols?

  17. Dynamic IP addressing and static IP addressing.

  18. Public IP and Private IP.

  19. Paging and segmentation.

  20. Page fault.

  21. Fragmentation.

  22. Virtual LAN.

  23. Socket and session.

  24. Difference between tracert and traceroute.

  25. How can you make network more effective?

Write a pseudocode to perform (Explain the logic)

  1. Fibonacci series

  2. Swapping of values without using third variable

Other Questions

  1. What is IoT? Benefits of IoT.

  2. Basic HTML tags.

  3. Deployment models.

  4. What is bitmap?

  5. What is elasticity and scalability?

  6. Factors affecting security of website.

  7. Projects done so far.

  8. What was your role in project?

  9. What are your hobbies?


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