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Interview with Human Resource is the last and the crucial phase of LTI placements. Following are the list of common questions asked in the HR interview of LTI.

  1. Tell me about yourself. 
    Mention your name, why you took engineering or the specific field in engineering, hobbies, strengths/weakness, projects undertaken, any extra activities which you would like to highlight, any specific skill which you have not mentioned in resume but is worth mentioning.

  2. Tell me about your family.
    Talk about your immediate family members, their occupation. Don’t elaborate too much about family background unless asked to speak more on it.

  3. Final year and other projects done during engineering.
    Talk about the projects developed so far, other side/mini projects. Talk about the projects which you have confidence about. Go through the steps/methods of the previously done projects. In case the final year project is not implemented yet, talk about its basic idea, regarding algorithm, platforms, storage.

  4. What problem does your project solve?
    Elaborate about your project from problem solving perspective.

  5. What do you know about LTI so far ?
    Do research about the company beforehand. CEO, overall employees, locations, stocks, revenue, notable people in company, major projects undertaken by company, business partners, technologies supported, milestones accomplished.

  6.  CGPA/ 10th and 12th marks/ Diploma marks.
    They already have your scores and they just want to confirm the marks. In case there are any changes in CGPA (due to result of newest semester declared after filling company form), do mention about it to the HR to avoid confusion.

  7.  Any KT/Backlogs/Gap in education.
    They already have information related to this. Do not cheat or give false information. They might even ask you the reason for the Backlogs/KT/Gap in education.

  8. Ready to sign the bond?
    Each company has the bond period. Make sure you are well aware about their terms and conditions. The answer must always be YES to be selected.

  9. Relocate anywhere across country.
    You must be ready to move anywhere. Generally, the training location is fixed but for the job location is decided with respect to the project assigned to you and your location preference. Anyway, the answer to this question must be YES.

  10. Extracurricular activities.
    Mention activities which would show your management or soft skills. If you are exceptionally good at something, mention it and give the example for the same.

  11. Any particular domain you want to work on.
    Mention something which you are good at and would genuinely love to work on. Give reasons to support your claim. Also, mention that you would love to work on the other domains which would help you learn new skills.

  12. Any questions for the interviewer?
    YES. Always ask the question. This will show that you have interest in the company.

  13.  Favorite subject.
    Just mention the subject you like and state the reason. It would be a plus point if the subject is related to the job profile.

  14.  Who is your role model and why?
    Mention the person who you consider your role model. Also, give reasons and be descriptive about it.

  15.  Would you do something that you consider unethical in order to save your job? 
    The answer to this question should always be NO. Tell the interviewer that you're a person of ethics and would never do anything that could harm company in any way.

  16. Are you prepared to work hard in the environment we expect you to work?
    YES. Talk about the past experiences when you worked in stressful conditions. 

  17. What position of responsibility have you held in the past?
    Mention about the committees you joined, volunteering in college fests, project leader, etc.

  18. Suppose you win $5 million lottery, then, would you still work?
    The answer should be always a YES, you would still work. Money isn't permanent and one day it will perish. Hence, winning a lottery would only provide a temporary luxurious life but working would ensure having a long term luxury.

  19.  Why do you want to join this company?

  20.  Why do you want to be in IT industry? 

  21. What did you do during pandemic & how did it affect you? 

  22. Your Strengths/Weakness.

  23.  If you have to build a company what would you consider?

  24.  Any innovative idea you have worked on? 

  25. Three components for a project to work.

  26.  How will you take criticism?

  27.  If someone criticized you even if it's not your fault how would you react?

  28. If you were hiring for this position, what qualities would you look for in a potential candidate?

  29. What is the difference between smart and hard work/worker? 

  30. What motivates you to do good work?


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